Sunday 13 March 2011

Thoughts So Far...

For lino Printing; Linen and Velvet seemed to print best. Cotton was ok but maybe needed more work to get the perfect print. Colour wise I liked both black onto the cream colour of the linen and the blue onto the dark brown velvet, the effect could perhaps appear different when printed onto cotton so as of yet the colour is undecided.
For laser cutting; cotton definitely gave the best result, but I do think the tile was effective.
As for Dry Point; the lighter weight papers appeared to work better, and the orange was most visually appealing but I don’t think I will use this technique.
To conclude, if I can get a well working Lino Print onto cotton it would definitely be the best working material as of yet. I decided earlier that laser cutting then lino printing would make it easier to line the two processes up.

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