Tuesday 8 February 2011


I began my prints by registering everything including both the screen and my design on acetate, by using small bits of masking tape, i lined it up.
I did my first screenprint onto a thin paper to text the screen, i then screen printed again onto calico. The calico showed alot of imperfections in either me design of the screen, as you can see by the many ink dots over the print. To overcome this i used parcel tape and taped off any areas where unwanted ink could leak through.
I experimented with other materials like these colourful sections of paper, ripped apart and taped together. It allowed me to see the outcome, of my print, on many different papers at once rather than doing them individually.
It appears to have worked better on the heavier paper (patterned, bottom left) and not so well on the sugar papers and tracing paper.

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